| An English stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | Many of the forms below are quite rare (e.g. "yourselves") but included for | completeness. | PRONOUNS FORMS | 1st person sing i | subject, always in upper case of course me | object my | possessive adjective | the possessive pronoun `mine' is best suppressed, because of the | sense of coal-mine etc. myself | reflexive | 1st person plural we | subject | us | object | care is required here because US = United States. It is usually | safe to remove it if it is in lower case. our | possessive adjective ours | possessive pronoun ourselves | reflexive | second person (archaic `thou' forms not included) you | subject and object your | possessive adjective yours | possessive pronoun yourself | reflexive (singular) yourselves | reflexive (plural) | third person singular he | subject him | object his | possessive adjective and pronoun himself | reflexive she | subject her | object and possessive adjective hers | possessive pronoun herself | reflexive it | subject and object its | possessive adjective itself | reflexive | third person plural they | subject them | object their | possessive adjective theirs | possessive pronoun themselves | reflexive | other forms (demonstratives, interrogatives) what which who whom this that these those | VERB FORMS (using F.R. Palmer's nomenclature) | BE am | 1st person, present is | -s form (3rd person, present) are | present was | 1st person, past were | past be | infinitive been | past participle being | -ing form | HAVE have | simple has | -s form had | past having | -ing form | DO do | simple does | -s form did | past doing | -ing form | The forms below are, I believe, best omitted, because of the significant | homonym forms: | He made a WILL | old tin CAN | merry month of MAY | a smell of MUST | fight the good fight with all thy MIGHT | would, could, should, ought might however be included | | AUXILIARIES | | WILL |will would | | SHALL |shall should | | CAN |can could | | MAY |may |might | | MUST |must | | OUGHT ought | COMPOUND FORMS, increasingly encountered nowadays in 'formal' writing | pronoun + verb i'm you're he's she's it's we're they're i've you've we've they've i'd you'd he'd she'd we'd they'd i'll you'll he'll she'll we'll they'll | verb + negation isn't aren't wasn't weren't hasn't haven't hadn't doesn't don't didn't | auxiliary + negation won't wouldn't shan't shouldn't can't cannot couldn't mustn't | miscellaneous forms let's that's who's what's here's there's when's where's why's how's | rarer forms | daren't needn't | doubtful forms | oughtn't mightn't | ARTICLES a an the | THE REST (Overlap among prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs etc is so | high, that classification is pointless.) and but if or because as until while of at by for with about against between into through during before after above below to from up down in out on off over under again further then once here there when where why how all any both each few more most other some such no nor not only own same so than too very one every least less many now ever never say says said also get go goes just made make put see seen whether like well back even still way take since another however two three four five first second new old high long