require(ggplot2) require(gridExtra) require(mp) source("measures.R") #automated.m <- function(D, labels) { # D.m <- D # for (label in unique(labels)) { # same.label <- labels == label # D.m[same.label, same.label] <- D[same.label, same.label] * 0.1 # } # # D.m #} automated.m <- function(Xs, labels) { n <- nrow(Xs) p <- ncol(Xs) Xs <- cbind(Xs, matrix(data=0, nrow=n, ncol=p)) for (label in unique(labels)) { for (j in 1:p) { Xs[labels == label, j + p] <- mean(Xs[labels == label, j]) } } dist(Xs) } color_scale.blue_orange <- function(name) { scale_colour_gradient(name = name, high = "#376092", low = "#e46c0a", space = "Lab") } color_scale.gradient2 <- function(name) { scale_colour_gradient2(name = name, mid = "#dddddd", space = "Lab") } test <- function(file, suffix, output.dir) { message("Testing dataset: ", file) dataset <- read.table(file) # Extract labels labels <- dataset[, ncol(dataset)] classes <- as.factor(labels) X <- dataset[, -ncol(dataset)] n <- nrow(X) # Calculate distances (X) and normalize message("\tCalculating dist(X)") Dx <- dist(X) Dx <- Dx / mean(Dx) Dx <- as.matrix(Dx) # Sample dataset sample.indices <- sample(n, 3*sqrt(n)) classes.s <- as.factor(labels[sample.indices]) # Automatic sample positioning message("\tCalculating Ys") Dx.s <- Dx[sample.indices, sample.indices] Ys <- forceScheme(Dx.s) # LAMP message("\tCalculating Y") Y <- lamp(X, sample.indices, Ys) # Calculate distances (Y) and normalize message("\tCalculating dist(Y)") Dy <- dist(Y) Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy) Dy <- as.matrix(Dy) message("\tCalculating P and Q") prob <- d2p(Dx^2) P <- prob$P Q <- d2p.beta(Dy^2, prob$beta) # Calculate measures message("\tCalculating measures") np <- NP(Dx, Dy) silh <- silhouette(Dy, classes) precision <- klDivergence(Q, P) recall <- klDivergence(P, Q) measures <- rbind(data.frame(mean=mean(np), median=median(np), sd=sd(np)), data.frame(mean=mean(silh), median=median(silh), sd=sd(silh)), data.frame(mean=mean(precision), median=median(precision), sd=sd(precision)), data.frame(mean=mean(recall), median=median(recall), sd=sd(recall))) write.table(measures, paste(output.dir, suffix, "-measures.csv", sep=""), row.names=F) if (!(all(is.finite(np)) && all(is.finite(silh)) && all(is.finite(precision)) && all(is.finite(recall)))) { stop("Non-finite measures found") } # Plot results message("\tPlotting results") shape_scale <- scale_shape_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes)) Ys <- cbind(, classes.s) Y <- cbind(, classes, np, silh, precision, recall) p.s <- ggplot(Ys) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes.s, colour = classes.s)) + shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes)) ggsave(paste(output.dir, "subsample-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.s, width=5, height=5) p <- ggplot(Y) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = classes)) + shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes)) ggsave(paste(output.dir, suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p, width=5, height=5) <- ggplot(Y) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = np)) + shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("NP") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "np-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""),, width=5, height=5) p.silh <- ggplot(Y) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = silh)) + shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("Silhueta") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "silh-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.silh, width=5, height=5) p.precision <- ggplot(Y) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = precision)) + shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("Precisão") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "precision-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.precision, width=5, height=5) p.recall <- ggplot(Y) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = recall)) + shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("Revocação") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "recall-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.recall, width=5, height=5) pdf(paste(output.dir, "all-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 12, height = 16) grid.arrange(p.s, p,, p.silh, p.precision, p.recall, ncol = 2) # Perform manipulation message("\tCalculating Ys.m") Dx.m <- automated.m(X[sample.indices, ], labels[sample.indices]) Ys.m <- forceScheme(Dx.m, Ys[, 1:2]) # LAMP message("\tCalculating Y.m") Y.m <- lamp(X, sample.indices, Ys.m) # Calculate distances (Y.m) and normalize message("\tCalculating dist(Y.m)") Dy <- dist(Y.m) Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy) Dy <- as.matrix(Dy) message("\tCalculating Q") Q <- d2p.beta(Dy^2, prob$beta) # Calculate measures message("\tCalculating measures") np <- NP(Dx, Dy) - np silh <- silhouette(Dy, classes) - silh precision <- klDivergence(Q, P) - precision recall <- klDivergence(P, Q) - recall measures <- rbind(data.frame(mean=mean(np), median=median(np), sd=sd(np)), data.frame(mean=mean(silh), median=median(silh), sd=sd(silh)), data.frame(mean=mean(precision), median=median(precision), sd=sd(precision)), data.frame(mean=mean(recall), median=median(recall), sd=sd(recall))) write.table(measures, paste(output.dir, suffix, "-manip-measures.csv", sep=""), row.names=F) if (!(all(is.finite(np)) && all(is.finite(silh)) && all(is.finite(precision)) && all(is.finite(recall)))) { stop("Non-finite measures found") } # Plot results message("\tPlotting results") Ys.m <- cbind(, classes.s) Y.m <- cbind(, classes, np, silh, precision, recall) pm.s <- ggplot(Ys.m) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes.s, colour = classes.s)) + shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes)) ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-subsample-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), pm.s, width=5, height=5) pm <- ggplot(Y.m) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = classes)) + shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes)) ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), pm, width=5, height=5) <- ggplot(Y.m) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = np)) + shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("NP") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-np-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""),, width=5, height=5) p.silh <- ggplot(Y.m) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = silh)) + shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("Silhueta") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-silh-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.silh, width=5, height=5) p.precision <- ggplot(Y.m) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = precision)) + shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("Precisão") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-precision-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.precision, width=5, height=5) p.recall <- ggplot(Y.m) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = recall)) + shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("Revocação") ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-recall-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.recall, width=5, height=5) pdf(paste(output.dir, "original-manip-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 10, height = 8) grid.arrange(p.s, p, pm.s, pm, ncol = 2) pdf(paste(output.dir, "manip-measures-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 10, height = 8) grid.arrange(, p.silh, p.precision, p.recall, ncol = 2) pdf(paste(output.dir, "manip-all-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 12, height = 16) grid.arrange(pm.s, pm,, p.silh, p.precision, p.recall, ncol = 2) } #test(file = "datasets/iris.tbl", suffix = "iris", "tests/") test(file = "datasets/wdbc.tbl", suffix = "wdbc", "tests/") test(file = "datasets/segmentation.tbl", suffix = "segmentation", "tests/") test(file = "datasets/glass.tbl", suffix = "glass", "tests/")