#ifndef NUMERICRANGE_H #define NUMERICRANGE_H #include #include /* * A (low memory usage) generator of ranges in steps of 1. */ template class NumericRange { public: class iterator { friend class NumericRange; public: typedef iterator self_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T& reference; typedef T* pointer; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef int difference_type; iterator(const T &first): m_value(first) {} T operator *() const { return m_value; } const iterator &operator ++() { ++m_value; return *this; } iterator operator++(int) { iterator copy(*this); ++m_value; return copy; } const iterator &operator --() { --m_value; return *this; } iterator operator--(int) { iterator copy(*this); --m_value; return copy; } bool operator ==(const iterator &other) const { return m_value == other.m_value; } bool operator !=(const iterator &other) const { return m_value != other.m_value; } private: T m_value; }; /* * The range [first, last). */ NumericRange(const T &first, const T &last) : m_begin(first) , m_end(last) { if (first > last) { throw std::logic_error("first > last"); } } typedef const iterator const_iterator; iterator begin() const { return m_begin; } iterator end() const { return m_end; } const_iterator cbegin() const { return m_begin; } const_iterator cend() const { return m_end; } private: iterator m_begin, m_end; }; #endif // NUMERICRANGE_H