#include "scatterplot.h" #include static const qreal GLYPH_OPACITY = 0.4; static const qreal GLYPH_OPACITY_SELECTED = 1.0; static const QColor OUTLINE_COLOR(0, 0, 0); static const QColor SELECTION_COLOR(128, 128, 128, 96); static const int GLYPH_SIZE = 8; static const float PADDING = 10; static const float PI = 3.1415f; Scatterplot::Scatterplot(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickItem(parent) , m_currentInteractionState(INTERACTION_NONE) , m_shouldUpdateGeometry(false) , m_shouldUpdateMaterials(false) { setClip(true); setFlag(QQuickItem::ItemHasContents); } void Scatterplot::setColorScale(ColorScale *colorScale) { if (!colorScale) { return; } m_colorScale = colorScale; if (m_colorData.n_elem > 0) { updateMaterials(); } } arma::mat Scatterplot::XY() const { return m_xy; } bool Scatterplot::saveToFile(const QUrl &url) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { return false; } return m_xy.save(url.path().toStdString(), arma::raw_ascii); } void Scatterplot::setXY(const arma::mat &xy) { if (xy.n_cols != 2) { return; } if (m_xy.n_elem != xy.n_elem) { m_selectedGlyphs.clear(); } m_xy = xy; m_xmin = xy.col(0).min(); m_xmax = xy.col(0).max(); m_ymin = xy.col(1).min(); m_ymax = xy.col(1).max(); updateGeometry(); emit xyChanged(m_xy); } void Scatterplot::setColorData(const arma::vec &colorData) { if (colorData.n_elem != m_xy.n_rows) { return; } m_colorData = colorData; emit colorDataChanged(m_colorData); updateMaterials(); } void Scatterplot::updateGeometry() { m_shouldUpdateGeometry = true; update(); } void Scatterplot::updateMaterials() { m_shouldUpdateMaterials = true; update(); } static int calculateCircleVertexCount(qreal radius) { // 10 * sqrt(r) \approx 2*pi / acos(1 - 1 / (4*r)) return (int) (10.0 * sqrt(radius)); } void updateCircleGeometry(QSGGeometry *geometry, float size, float cx, float cy) { int vertexCount = geometry->vertexCount(); float theta = 2 * PI / float(vertexCount); float c = cosf(theta); float s = sinf(theta); float x = size / 2; float y = 0; QSGGeometry::Point2D *vertexData = geometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D(); for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { vertexData[i].set(x + cx, y + cy); float t = x; x = c*x - s*y; y = s*t + c*y; } } inline float Scatterplot::fromDataXToScreenX(float x) const { return PADDING + (x - m_xmin) / (m_xmax - m_xmin) * (width() - 2*PADDING); } inline float Scatterplot::fromDataYToScreenY(float y) const { return PADDING + (1 - (y - m_ymin) / (m_ymax - m_ymin)) * (height() - 2*PADDING); } QSGNode *Scatterplot::createGlyphNodeTree() { QSGNode *node = new QSGNode; int vertexCount = calculateCircleVertexCount(GLYPH_SIZE / 2); for (arma::uword i = 0; i < m_xy.n_rows; i++) { QSGGeometry *glyphOutlineGeometry = new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), vertexCount); glyphOutlineGeometry->setDrawingMode(GL_LINE_LOOP); updateCircleGeometry(glyphOutlineGeometry, GLYPH_SIZE, 0, 0); QSGGeometryNode *glyphOutlineNode = new QSGGeometryNode; glyphOutlineNode->setGeometry(glyphOutlineGeometry); glyphOutlineNode->setFlag(QSGNode::OwnsGeometry); QSGFlatColorMaterial *material = new QSGFlatColorMaterial; material->setColor(OUTLINE_COLOR); glyphOutlineNode->setMaterial(material); glyphOutlineNode->setFlag(QSGNode::OwnsMaterial); QSGGeometry *glyphGeometry = new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), vertexCount); glyphGeometry->setDrawingMode(GL_POLYGON); updateCircleGeometry(glyphGeometry, GLYPH_SIZE - 1, 0, 0); QSGGeometryNode *glyphNode = new QSGGeometryNode; glyphNode->setGeometry(glyphGeometry); glyphNode->setFlag(QSGNode::OwnsGeometry); material = new QSGFlatColorMaterial; material->setColor(QColor()); glyphNode->setMaterial(material); glyphNode->setFlag(QSGNode::OwnsMaterial); // Place the glyph geometry node under an opacity node QSGOpacityNode *glyphOpacityNode = new QSGOpacityNode; glyphOpacityNode->appendChildNode(glyphOutlineNode); glyphOpacityNode->appendChildNode(glyphNode); node->appendChildNode(glyphOpacityNode); } return node; } QSGNode *Scatterplot::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *) { if (m_xy.n_rows < 1) { return 0; } qreal x, y, tx, ty, moveTranslationF; QSGNode *root = 0; if (!oldNode) { root = new QSGNode; root->appendChildNode(createGlyphNodeTree()); } else { root = oldNode; } if (m_currentInteractionState == INTERACTION_MOVING) { tx = m_dragCurrentPos.x() - m_dragOriginPos.x(); ty = m_dragCurrentPos.y() - m_dragOriginPos.y(); } else { tx = ty = 0; } QSGNode *node = root->firstChild()->firstChild(); for (arma::uword i = 0; i < m_xy.n_rows; i++) { arma::rowvec row = m_xy.row(i); bool isSelected = m_selectedGlyphs.contains(i); QSGOpacityNode *glyphOpacityNode = static_cast(node); glyphOpacityNode->setOpacity(isSelected ? GLYPH_OPACITY_SELECTED : GLYPH_OPACITY); QSGGeometryNode *glyphOutlineNode = static_cast(node->firstChild()); QSGGeometryNode *glyphNode = static_cast(node->firstChild()->nextSibling()); if (m_shouldUpdateGeometry) { moveTranslationF = isSelected ? 1.0 : 0.0; x = fromDataXToScreenX(row[0]) + tx * moveTranslationF; y = fromDataYToScreenY(row[1]) + ty * moveTranslationF; QSGGeometry *geometry = glyphOutlineNode->geometry(); updateCircleGeometry(geometry, GLYPH_SIZE, x, y); glyphOutlineNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); geometry = glyphNode->geometry(); updateCircleGeometry(geometry, GLYPH_SIZE - 1, x, y); glyphNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); } if (m_shouldUpdateMaterials) { QSGFlatColorMaterial *material = static_cast(glyphNode->material()); material->setColor(m_colorScale->color(m_colorData[i])); glyphNode->setMaterial(material); glyphNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyMaterial); } node = node->nextSibling(); } if (m_shouldUpdateGeometry) { m_shouldUpdateGeometry = false; } if (m_shouldUpdateMaterials) { m_shouldUpdateMaterials = false; } // Selection rect if (m_currentInteractionState == INTERACTION_SELECTING) { QSGSimpleRectNode *selectionNode = 0; if (!root->firstChild()->nextSibling()) { selectionNode = new QSGSimpleRectNode; selectionNode->setColor(SELECTION_COLOR); root->appendChildNode(selectionNode); } else { selectionNode = static_cast(root->firstChild()->nextSibling()); } selectionNode->setRect(QRectF(m_dragOriginPos, m_dragCurrentPos)); selectionNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); } else { node = root->firstChild()->nextSibling(); if (node) { // node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); root->removeChildNode(node); delete node; } } return root; } void Scatterplot::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { switch (m_currentInteractionState) { case INTERACTION_NONE: case INTERACTION_SELECTED: if (event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier) { m_currentInteractionState = INTERACTION_MOVING; } else { m_currentInteractionState = INTERACTION_SELECTING; } m_dragOriginPos = event->localPos(); m_dragCurrentPos = m_dragOriginPos; break; case INTERACTION_SELECTING: case INTERACTION_MOVING: event->ignore(); return; } } void Scatterplot::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { switch (m_currentInteractionState) { case INTERACTION_NONE: // event->localPos() break; case INTERACTION_SELECTING: m_dragCurrentPos = event->localPos(); update(); break; case INTERACTION_MOVING: m_dragCurrentPos = event->localPos(); applyManipulation(); updateGeometry(); m_dragOriginPos = m_dragCurrentPos; break; case INTERACTION_SELECTED: event->ignore(); return; } } void Scatterplot::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { switch (m_currentInteractionState) { case INTERACTION_SELECTING: { bool mergeSelection = (event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier); m_currentInteractionState = updateSelection(mergeSelection) ? INTERACTION_SELECTED : INTERACTION_NONE; } break; case INTERACTION_MOVING: m_currentInteractionState = INTERACTION_SELECTED; updateGeometry(); emit xyChanged(m_xy); break; case INTERACTION_NONE: case INTERACTION_SELECTED: return; // should not be reached } } bool Scatterplot::updateSelection(bool mergeSelection) { QSet selection; if (mergeSelection) { selection.unite(m_selectedGlyphs); } qreal originX = m_dragOriginPos.x() / width() * (m_xmax - m_xmin) + m_xmin; qreal originY = (1 - m_dragOriginPos.y() / height()) * (m_ymax - m_ymin) + m_ymin; qreal currentX = m_dragCurrentPos.x() / width() * (m_xmax - m_xmin) + m_xmin; qreal currentY = (1 - m_dragCurrentPos.y() / height()) * (m_ymax - m_ymin) + m_ymin; QRectF selectionRect(QPointF(originX, originY), QPointF(currentX, currentY)); for (arma::uword i = 0; i < m_xy.n_rows; i++) { arma::rowvec row = m_xy.row(i); if (selectionRect.contains(row[0], row[1])) { selection.insert(i); } } setSelection(selection); return !selection.isEmpty(); } void Scatterplot::setSelection(const QSet &selection) { m_selectedGlyphs = selection; update(); emit selectionChanged(selection); } void Scatterplot::applyManipulation() { float tx = m_dragCurrentPos.x() - m_dragOriginPos.x(); float ty = m_dragCurrentPos.y() - m_dragOriginPos.y(); tx /= (width() - PADDING); ty /= (height() - PADDING); float x_extent = m_xmax - m_xmin; float y_extent = m_ymax - m_ymin; for (auto it = m_selectedGlyphs.cbegin(); it != m_selectedGlyphs.cend(); it++) { arma::rowvec row = m_xy.row(*it); row[0] = ((row[0] - m_xmin) / x_extent + tx) * x_extent + m_xmin; row[1] = ((row[1] - m_ymin) / y_extent + ty) * y_extent + m_ymin; m_xy.row(*it) = row; } }