#include #include #include #include #include #include const float MYINFINITY = 1.0e7f; inline float SQR(float x) { return x * x; } inline int SQR(int x) { return x * x; } inline float INTERP(float a, float b, float t) { return a * (1 - t) + b * t; } struct Coord { int i, j; Coord(int i_, int j_) : i(i_) , j(j_){}; Coord() {} int operator==(const Coord &c) const { return i == c.i && j == c.j; } }; using namespace std; const float ALIVE = -10, NARROW_BAND = ALIVE + 1, FAR_AWAY = ALIVE + 2; // Classification values for pixels in an // image. The values are arbitrary. int skelft2DSize(int nx, int ny) { int dx = (int) floor( pow(2.0f, int(log(float(nx)) / log(2.0f) + 1))); // Find minimal pow of 2 which fits the input image int dy = (int) floor(pow(2.0f, int(log(float(ny)) / log(2.0f) + 1))); int fboSize = max(dx, dy); // DT/FT/skeleton image size (pow of 2, should be // able to contain the input image) return fboSize; } // Classify 'f' into inside, outside, and boundary pixels according to isovalue // 'iso' // Inside pixels are those with value > iso (if thr_upper==true), else those // with value < iso. template void classify(vector &s, const T *f, int xm, int ym, int xM, int yM, int size, T iso, bool thr_upper, float *siteParam, bool scan_bot_to_top) { for (int i = 0; i < size * size; ++i) siteParam[i] = ALIVE; // First: all points are ALIVE, i.e., sites for (int j = ym; j < yM; ++j) for (int i = xm; i < xM; ++i) { T fptr = f[i + j * size]; // Mark subset of points which are // FAR_AWAY, i.e. NOT sites if (((thr_upper && fptr >= iso) || (!thr_upper && fptr <= iso))) siteParam[i + size * j] = FAR_AWAY; } int js, je, jd; if (scan_bot_to_top) { js = ym; je = yM; jd = 1; } else { js = yM - 1; je = ym - 1; jd = -1; } for (int j = js; j != je; j += jd) for (int i = xm; i < xM; ++i) { float &cv = siteParam[i + size * j]; if (cv == FAR_AWAY) if (((i - 1 + size * j) > 0 && siteParam[i - 1 + size * j] == ALIVE) || siteParam[i + 1 + size * j] == ALIVE || ((i + size * (j - 1)) > 0 && siteParam[i + size * (j - 1)] == ALIVE) || siteParam[i + size * (j + 1)] == ALIVE) { cv = NARROW_BAND; s.push_back(Coord(i, j)); } } } // Encode input image (classified as inside/outside/boundary into a // boundary-length parameterization image, needed for skeleton computations. // float encodeBoundary(vector &s, int xm, int ym, int xM, int yM, float *siteParam, int size) { const float LARGE_BOUNDARY_VAL = 1000; // Value that the boundary-param will jump with between disjoint, // self-connected, boundary pixel chains float length = -LARGE_BOUNDARY_VAL + 1; // Compute the boundary length while (s.size()) // Process all narrowband points, add their // arc-length-parameterization in siteParam { Coord pt = s[s.size() - 1]; s.pop_back(); // Pick narrowband-point, test if already numbered if (siteParam[pt.i + size * pt.j] > 0) continue; int ci, cj; float cc = 0; // Point pt not numbered for (int dj = -1; dj < 2; ++dj) // Find min-numbered-neighbour of pt for (int di = -1; di < 2; ++di) { int ii = pt.i + di, jj = pt.j + dj; if (ii < xm || ii >= xM || jj < ym || jj >= yM) continue; float val = siteParam[ii + size * jj]; if (val < 0) continue; if (cc && val > cc) continue; ci = ii; cj = jj; cc = val; } float c = (!cc) ? length + LARGE_BOUNDARY_VAL : cc + sqrt(float((pt.i - ci) * (pt.i - ci) + (pt.j - cj) * (pt.j - cj))); siteParam[pt.i + size * pt.j] = c; // Also store the sites' parameterization in siteParam[] for CUDA if (c > length) length = c; // Determine length of boundary, used for // wraparound-distance-computations for (int dj = -1; dj < 2; ++dj) for (int di = -1; di < 2; ++di) { if (di == 0 && dj == 0) continue; int ii = pt.i + di, jj = pt.j + dj; if (ii >= xm && ii < xM && jj >= ym && jj < yM && siteParam[ii + size * jj] == NARROW_BAND) s.push_back(Coord(ii, jj)); } } for (int i = 0, iend = size * size; i < iend; ++i) // All ALIVE points are marked now as non-sites: if (siteParam[i] < 0) siteParam[i] = 0; return length; } float skelft2DMakeBoundary(const float *f, int xm, int ym, int xM, int yM, float *siteParam, int size, float iso, bool thr_upper) { bool scan_bot_to_top = false; vector s; s.reserve((xM - xm) * (yM - ym)); classify(s, f, xm, ym, xM, yM, size, iso, thr_upper, siteParam, scan_bot_to_top); return encodeBoundary(s, xm, ym, xM, yM, siteParam, size); } float skelft2DMakeBoundary(const unsigned char *f, int xm, int ym, int xM, int yM, float *siteParam, int size, short iso, bool thr_upper) { bool scan_bot_to_top = false; vector s; s.reserve((xM - xm) * (yM - ym)); classify(s, f, xm, ym, xM, yM, size, (unsigned char) iso, thr_upper, siteParam, scan_bot_to_top); return encodeBoundary(s, xm, ym, xM, yM, siteParam, size); } void skelft2DSave(short *outputFT, int dx, int dy, const char *f) { FILE *fp = fopen(f, "wb"); fprintf(fp, "P5 %d %d 255\n", dx, dy); const int SIZE = 3000; unsigned char buf[SIZE]; int size = dx * dy; int bb = 0; float range = max(dx, dy) / 255.0f; for (short *v = outputFT, *vend = outputFT + size; v < vend; ++v) { short val = *v; buf[bb++] = (unsigned char) (val / range); if (bb == SIZE) { fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), SIZE, fp); bb = 0; } } if (bb) fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), bb, fp); fclose(fp); }