diff options
authorSamuel Fadel <samuelfadel@gmail.com>2016-08-18 23:15:39 -0300
committerSamuel Fadel <samuelfadel@gmail.com>2016-08-18 23:15:39 -0300
commitfbf8d82cdd3720c4bbf2a94035b6779e56d73448 (patch)
parent9b51886d702b22018db08ba8a30ab47d36f64aac (diff)
Updated with all the code used to run experiments.
4 files changed, 668 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/measures.R b/measures.R
index 99aa4df..057a114 100644
--- a/measures.R
+++ b/measures.R
@@ -1,30 +1,5 @@
-stress <- function(Dx, Dy) {
- if (any(Dx != t(Dx)) || any(Dy != t(Dy))) {
- stop("Dx and Dy must be symmetric")
- }
- Dx <- as.matrix(Dx)
- Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
- if (nrow(Dx) != nrow(Dy)) {
- stop("Dx and Dy must have the same number of elements")
- }
- n <- nrow(Dx)
- s <- vector("numeric", n)
- for (i in 1:n) {
- s[i] <- 0
- for (j in 1:n) {
- if (i == j) {
- next
- }
- s[i] = s[i] + (Dx[i, j] - Dy[i, j])^2 / Dx[i, j]
- }
- s[i] = s[i] / sum(D[i, ])
- }
- s
+# Measures used as manipulation targets.
+# NOTE: This file is only a library, see run.R for more details.
NP <- function(Dx, Dy, k = 9) {
if (any(Dx != t(Dx)) || any(Dy != t(Dy))) {
@@ -53,112 +28,129 @@ NP <- function(Dx, Dy, k = 9) {
+#silhouette <- function(Dy, labels) {
+# if (any(t(Dy) != Dy)) {
+# stop("Dy must be symmetric")
+# }
+# Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+# n <- nrow(Dy)
+# cohesion <- vector("numeric", n)
+# separation <- vector("numeric", n)
+# for (i in 1:n) {
+# label <- labels[i]
+# separation[i] <- min(Dy[i, labels != label])
+# cohesion[i] <- mean(Dy[i, labels[-i] == label])
+# }
+# (separation - cohesion) / max(separation, cohesion)
silhouette <- function(Dy, labels) {
- if (any(t(Dy) != Dy)) {
- stop("Dy must be symmetric")
- }
- Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
n <- nrow(Dy)
- cohesion <- vector("numeric", n)
- separation <- vector("numeric", n)
- for (i in 1:n) {
- label <- labels[i]
- separation[i] <- min(Dy[i, labels != label])
- cohesion[i] <- mean(Dy[i, labels[-i] == label])
+ if (n != length(labels)) {
+ stop("Number of labels doesn't match number of points")
- silh <- (separation - cohesion) / max(separation, cohesion)
-d2p <- function(D, perplexity = 9, tol = 1e-5, max.tries = 50) {
- if (any(D != t(D))) {
- stop("D must be symmetric")
+ A_labels <- list()
+ B_labels <- list()
+ unique.labels <- unique(labels)
+ for (l in unique.labels) {
+ A_labels[[l]] <- labels == l
+ B_labels[[l]] <- labels != l
- D <- as.matrix(D)
- P <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nrow(D), ncol=ncol(D))
- n <- nrow(D)
- beta <- rep(1, n)
- logU <- log(perplexity)
+ # This factor excludes self comparisons when computing cohesion
+ m.factor <- n / (n-1)
+ s <- vector("numeric", n)
for (i in 1:n) {
- #denom <- sum(exp(-D[i, ] / sigmas))
- #P[i, ] <- exp(-D[i, ] / sigmas) / denom
- betaMin <- -Inf
- betaMax <- Inf
- Di <- D[i, -i]
- tries <- 0
- repeat {
- Pi <- exp(-Di * beta[i])
- sumPi <- sum(Pi)
- H <- log(sumPi) + beta[i] * sum(Di * Pi) / sumPi
- Pi <- Pi / sumPi
- Hdiff <- H - logU
- if (abs(Hdiff) < tol || tries > max.tries) {
- break
- }
- if (Hdiff > 0) {
- betaMin <- beta[i]
- beta[i] <- if (is.finite(betaMax)) {
- (beta[i] + betaMax) / 2
- } else {
- beta[i] * 2
- }
- } else {
- betaMax <- beta[i]
- beta[i] <- if (is.finite(betaMin)) {
- (beta[i] + betaMin) / 2
- } else {
- beta[i] / 2
- }
- }
+ label_i <- labels[i]
- tries <- tries + 1
+ a <- m.factor * mean(Dy[i, A_labels[[label_i]]]) # cohesion
+ b <- Inf
+ for (l in unique(labels)) {
+ b <- min(mean(Dy[i, B_labels[[l]]]), b) # separation
- P[i, -i] <- Pi
+ s[i] <- (b - a) / max(b, a)
- list(P = P, beta = beta) # sigmas = sqrt(1 / beta)
+ s
-d2p.beta <- function(D, beta) {
- if (any(D != t(D))) {
- stop("D must be symmetric")
- }
+#stress <- function(Dx, Dy) {
+# if (any(Dx != t(Dx)) || any(Dy != t(Dy))) {
+# stop("Dx and Dy must be symmetric")
+# }
+# Dx <- as.matrix(Dx)
+# Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+# if (nrow(Dx) != nrow(Dy)) {
+# stop("Dx and Dy must have the same number of elements")
+# }
+# n <- nrow(Dx)
+# s <- vector("numeric", n)
+# for (i in 1:n) {
+# s[i] <- 0
+# for (j in 1:n) {
+# if (i == j) {
+# next
+# }
+# s[i] = s[i] + (Dx[i, j] - Dy[i, j])^2 / Dx[i, j]
+# }
+# s[i] = s[i] / sum(D[i, ])
+# }
+# s
+stress <- function(Dx, Dy) {
+ n <- nrow(Dx)
- D <- as.matrix(D)
- n <- nrow(D)
- P <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nrow(D), ncol=ncol(D))
- for (i in 1:n) {
- P[i, -i] <- exp(-D[i, -i] * beta[i])
- P[i, -i] <- P[i, -i] / sum(P[i, -i])
+ C <- 0
+ D <- 0
+ for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
+ for (j in (i + 1):n) {
+ C <- C + Dx[i, j]
+ D <- D + (Dx[i, j] - Dy[i, j])^2 / Dx[i, j]
+ if (is.nan(D)) {
+ loginfo("%d, %d", i, j)
+ loginfo("%f", Dx[i, j])
+ stop("NaN")
+ }
+ }
- P
+ D / C
-klDivergence <- function(P, Q, eps = 1e-12) {
- if (nrow(P) != ncol(P) || nrow(Q) != ncol(Q)) {
- stop("P and Q must be square")
- }
- if (nrow(P) != nrow(Q)) {
- stop("P and Q must have the same number of elements")
- }
- P[P < eps] <- eps
- Q[Q < eps] <- eps
- n <- nrow(P)
- d <- vector("numeric", n)
- for (i in 1:n) {
- d[i] <- sum(P[i, -i] * log(P[i, -i] / Q[i, -i]))
- }
- d
+# NOTE: This function requires the 'klmeasure' binary from:
+# http://research.cs.aalto.fi/pml/software/dredviz/
+smoothed.pr <- function(Dx, Dy, k) {
+ # Create SOM_PAK file for Dx
+ Dx.fname <- tempfile()
+ Dx.f <- file(Dx.fname, "w")
+ cat(sprintf("%d\n", ncol(Dx)), file=Dx.f)
+ write.table(Dx, Dx.f, col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ close(Dx.f)
+ # Create SOM_PAK file for Dy
+ Dy.fname <- tempfile()
+ Dy.f <- file(Dy.fname, "w")
+ cat(sprintf("%d\n", ncol(Dy)), file=Dy.f)
+ write.table(Dy, Dy.f, col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ close(Dy.f)
+ output <- system2("./klmeasure",
+ stdout=T,
+ args=c("--datadist", Dx.fname,
+ "--projdist", Dy.fname,
+ "--neighbors", sprintf("%d", k)))
+ output <- strsplit(output[2], " | ", fixed=T)
+ output <- unlist(output)
+ file.remove(Dx.fname, Dy.fname)
+ list(s.precision=as.double(output[1]), s.recall=as.double(output[2]))
diff --git a/plot.R b/plot.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e98f2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plot.R
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Functions for plotting results from manipulation experiments.
+# NOTE: This script should only be used after results are generated with run.R
+# Plots results for experiments of all techniques for a given measure and
+# datasset.
+plot.measure <- function(ds, techniques, output.dir, measure, n.iter=30) {
+ measure.df <- data.frame()
+ scale.labels <- c()
+ for (tech in techniques) {
+ Y.measure <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, paste(measure$name, "Y.tbl", sep="-")))
+ Ym.measure <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, paste(measure$name, "Ym.tbl", sep="-")))
+ measure.df <- rbind(measure.df,
+ data.frame(name=tech$name.pretty,
+ type=paste("Y", tech$name, sep="."),
+ V1=Ym.measure - Y.measure)
+ )
+ scale.labels <- c(scale.labels, tech$name.pretty)
+ }
+ p <- ggplot(measure.df) +
+ background_grid(major="xy", minor="none") +
+ theme(legend.position="none") +
+ labs(x="", y=measure$name.pretty) +
+ geom_boxplot(aes(type, V1, fill=name)) +
+ scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1", guide=guide_legend(title="")) +
+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(min(0, min(measure.df$V1)), max(0, max(measure.df$V1)))) +
+ scale_x_discrete(labels=scale.labels)
+ fname <- file.path(output.dir, "plots", ds$name, paste(measure$name, "pdf", sep="."))
+ loginfo("Saving plot: %s", fname)
+ save_plot(fname, p, base_aspect_ratio=1.3)
+# Plot boxplots of techniques, one per measure diff per dataset.
+plot.measures <- function(datasets, techniques, measures, output.dir, n.iter=30) {
+ dir.create.safe(file.path(output.dir, "plots"))
+ for (ds in datasets) {
+ dir.create.safe(file.path(output.dir, "plots", ds$name))
+ for (measure in measures) {
+ if (is.null(ds$labels.file) && measure$name == "silhouette") {
+ next
+ }
+ plot.measure(ds, techniques, output.dir, measure, n.iter)
+ }
+ }
+# Same as above, but averages over all datasets.
+plot.averages <- function(datasets, techniques, measures, output.dir, n.iter=30) {
+ dir.create.safe(file.path(output.dir, "plots"))
+ for (measure in measures) {
+ measure.df <- data.frame()
+ scale.labels <- c()
+ for (tech in techniques) {
+ measure.avg <- rep(0, n.iter)
+ scale.labels <- c(scale.labels, tech$name.pretty)
+ for (ds in datasets) {
+ if (is.null(ds$labels.file) && measure$name == "silhouette") {
+ next
+ }
+ Y.measure <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, paste(measure$name, "Y.tbl", sep="-")))$V1
+ Ym.measure <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, paste(measure$name, "Ym.tbl", sep="-")))$V1
+ measure.avg <- measure.avg + (Ym.measure - Y.measure)
+ }
+ measure.avg <- measure.avg / length(datasets)
+ measure.df <- rbind(measure.df, data.frame(tech=tech$name, V1=measure.avg))
+ }
+ p <- ggplot(measure.df) +
+ background_grid(major="xy", minor="none") +
+ theme(legend.position="none") +
+ labs(x="", y=measure$name.pretty) +
+ geom_boxplot(aes(tech, V1, fill=tech)) +
+ scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1", guide=guide_legend(title="")) +
+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(min(0, min(measure.df$V1)), max(0, max(measure.df$V1)))) +
+ scale_x_discrete(labels=scale.labels)
+ fname <- file.path(output.dir, "plots", paste(measure$name, "pdf", sep="."))
+ loginfo("Saving plot: %s", fname)
+ save_plot(fname, p, base_aspect_ratio=1.3)
+ }
+# Plot a single scatterplot of techniques and datasets, where x axis is the
+# measure before manipulation and y axis is the measure after manipulation.
+# Also adds a y=x line so that visual inspection is easier.
+plot.scatter.measure <- function(measure, datasets, techniques, output.dir, n.iter=30) {
+ measure.df <- data.frame()
+ for (tech in techniques) {
+ for (ds in datasets) {
+ if (is.null(ds$labels.file) && measure$name == "silhouette") {
+ next
+ }
+ base.path <- file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name)
+ fname <- file.path(base.path, paste(measure$name, "Y.tbl", sep="-"))
+ Y.measure <- read.table(fname)$V1
+ fname <- file.path(base.path, paste(measure$name, "Ym.tbl", sep="-"))
+ Ym.measure <- read.table(fname)$V1
+ measure.df <- rbind(measure.df, data.frame(tech=tech$name.pretty,
+ dataset=ds$name.pretty,
+ x=mean(Y.measure),
+ y=mean(Ym.measure)))
+ }
+ }
+ min.max <- min(max(measure.df$x), max(measure.df$y))
+ p <- ggplot(measure.df) +
+ background_grid(major="xy", minor="none") +
+ theme(legend.position="right") +
+ labs(x=paste(measure$name.pretty, "(before)", sep=" "),
+ y=paste(measure$name.pretty, "(after)", sep=" ")) +
+ geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y, color=tech, shape=dataset), alpha=0.8, size=3) +
+ scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1", guide=guide_legend(title="Technique")) +
+ scale_shape(guide=guide_legend(title="Dataset")) +
+ geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)
+ fname <- file.path(output.dir, "plots", paste(measure$name, "-scatter", ".pdf", sep=""))
+ loginfo("Saving plot: %s", fname)
+ save_plot(fname, p, base_aspect_ratio=1.5)
+ p
+# This function runs the scatterplot function above for all measures
+plot.scatter <- function(datasets, techniques, measures, output.dir, n.iter=30) {
+ dir.create.safe(file.path(output.dir, "plots"))
+ for (measure in measures) {
+ p <- plot.scatter.measure(measure, datasets, techniques, output.dir, n.iter)
+ }
+# Experiment configuration
+# Defines: datasets, techniques, measures, output.dir
+args <- commandArgs(T)
+# Logging setup
+ file=args[1],
+ level="FINEST")
+plot.measures(datasets, techniques, measures, output.dir)
+plot.averages(datasets, techniques, measures, output.dir)
+plot.scatter(datasets, techniques, measures, output.dir)
diff --git a/proj.R b/proj.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef8114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proj.R
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# NOTE: This script should only be used after results are generated with run.R
+get_legend <- function(p) {
+ tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p))
+ leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
+ legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]
+ legend
+args <- commandArgs(T)
+dataset <- args[1]
+tech <- args[2]
+iter <- args[3]
+measure <- args[4]
+out.file <- args[5]
+X.file <- file.path("datasets", paste(dataset, "tbl", sep="."))
+l.file <- file.path("datasets", paste(dataset, "labels", sep="."))
+Y.file <- file.path("results", dataset, tech, paste("Y-", iter, ".tbl", sep=""))
+sample.indices.file <- file.path("results", dataset, paste("sample-indices-", iter, ".tbl", sep=""))
+Ys.file <- file.path("results", dataset, paste("Ys-", iter, ".tbl", sep=""))
+Ysm.file <- file.path("results", dataset, paste("Ysm-", measure, "-", iter, ".tbl", sep=""))
+X <- read.table(X.file)
+Y <- read.table(Y.file)
+l <- as.factor(read.table(l.file)$V1)
+l <- l[!duplicated(X)]
+X <- scale(unique(X))
+sample.indices <- read.table(sample.indices.file)$V1
+ls <- l[sample.indices]
+Ys <- read.table(Ys.file)
+Ysm <- read.table(Ysm.file)
+Ym <- pekalska(dist(X), sample.indices, Ysm)
+dfYs <- data.frame(x=Ys[,1], y=Ys[,2], Labels=ls)
+pYs <- ggplot(dfYs) +
+ theme_minimal() +
+ theme(legend.position="none",
+ plot.background=element_rect(fill="#ffffff", color="#000000"),
+ axis.text=element_blank(),
+ axis.title=element_blank(),
+ panel.grid=element_blank()) +
+ geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y, color=Labels), size=0.5, alpha=0.8) +
+ scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1")
+pYs <- ggplotGrob(pYs)
+dfYsm <- data.frame(x=Ysm[,1], y=Ysm[,2], Labels=ls)
+pYsm <- ggplot(dfYsm) +
+ theme_minimal() +
+ theme(legend.position="none",
+ plot.background=element_rect(fill="#ffffff", color="#000000"),
+ axis.text=element_blank(),
+ axis.title=element_blank(),
+ panel.grid=element_blank()) +
+ geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y, color=Labels), size=0.5, alpha=0.8) +
+ scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1")
+pYsm <- ggplotGrob(pYsm)
+dfY <- data.frame(x=Y[,1], y=Y[,2], Labels=l)
+pY <- ggplot(dfY) +
+ theme_minimal() +
+ theme(legend.position="bottom",
+ legend.title=element_blank(),
+ legend.text=element_text(size=14),
+ legend.background=element_rect(fill="#ffffff", color="#000000"),
+ axis.text=element_blank(),
+ axis.title=element_blank(),
+ panel.grid=element_blank()) +
+ geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y, color=Labels), alpha=0.8) +
+ scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1") +
+ annotation_custom(grob = pYs,
+ xmin=min(dfY$x), xmax=min(dfY$x) + (max(dfY$x) - min(dfY$x)) / 3,
+ ymin=max(dfY$y) - (max(dfY$y) - min(dfY$y)) / 3, ymax=max(dfY$y))
+legend <- get_legend(pY)
+pY <- pY + theme(legend.position="none")
+dfYm <- data.frame(x=Ym[,1], y=Ym[,2], Labels=l)
+pYm <- ggplot(dfYm) +
+ theme_minimal() +
+ theme(legend.position="none",
+ axis.text=element_blank(),
+ axis.title=element_blank(),
+ panel.grid=element_blank()) +
+ geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y, color=Labels), alpha=0.8) +
+ scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1") +
+ annotation_custom(grob = pYsm,
+ xmin=min(dfYm$x), xmax=min(dfYm$x) + (max(dfYm$x) - min(dfYm$x)) / 3,
+ ymin=min(dfYm$y), ymax=min(dfYm$y) + (max(dfYm$y) - min(dfYm$y)) / 3)
+p <- grid.arrange(pY, pYm, legend,
+ ncol=2, nrow=2,
+ layout_matrix=rbind(c(3, 3), c(1, 2)),
+ widths=c(5, 5), heights=c(0.5, 4.5))
+ggsave(out.file, p, width=10, height=5)
diff --git a/run.R b/run.R
index 4c073a0..cda6830 100644
--- a/run.R
+++ b/run.R
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
+# Main experiments script: performs sampling, manipulation and projections for
+# all techniques, datasets and measures.
-#automated.m <- function(D, labels) {
-# D.m <- D
-# for (label in unique(labels)) {
-# same.label <- labels == label
-# D.m[same.label, same.label] <- D[same.label, same.label] * 0.1
-# }
-# D.m
-automated.m <- function(Xs, labels) {
+# Performs automated silhouette improvement manipulation, using a method
+# inspired by Schaefer et al. (2013).
+automated.silh <- function(Xs, labels) {
n <- nrow(Xs)
p <- ncol(Xs)
Xs <- cbind(Xs, matrix(data=0, nrow=n, ncol=p))
@@ -23,228 +20,307 @@ automated.m <- function(Xs, labels) {
- dist(Xs)
+ Dx <- dist(Xs)
+ # Dx <- Dx / mean(Dx)
+ as.matrix(Dx)
-color_scale.blue_orange <- function(name) {
- scale_colour_gradient(name = name, high = "#376092", low = "#e46c0a", space = "Lab")
+# NOTE: This function requires the 'klmeasure' binary from:
+# http://research.cs.aalto.fi/pml/software/dredviz/
+nerv <- function(Dx, Y, lambda=0.1) {
+ # Create SOM_PAK file for Dx
+ Dx.fname <- tempfile()
+ Dx.f <- file(Dx.fname, "w")
+ cat(sprintf("%d\n", ncol(Dx)), file=Dx.f)
+ write.table(Dx, Dx.f, col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ close(Dx.f)
+ # Create SOM_PAK file for Y
+ Y.fname <- tempfile()
+ Y.f <- file(Y.fname, "w")
+ cat(sprintf("%d\n", ncol(Y)), file=Y.f)
+ write.table(Y, Y.f, col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ close(Y.f)
+ # Run NeRV
+ Ym.fname <- tempfile()
+ system2("./nerv",
+ stdout=F,
+ stderr=F,
+ args=c("--inputdist", Dx.fname,
+ "--outputfile", Ym.fname,
+ "--init", Y.fname,
+ "--lambda", sprintf("%.2f", lambda)))
+ # Read results from generated file; remove file afterwards
+ Ym <- read.table(Ym.fname, skip=1)
+ file.remove(Dx.fname, Y.fname, Ym.fname)
+ Ym
-color_scale.gradient2 <- function(name) {
- scale_colour_gradient2(name = name, mid = "#dddddd", space = "Lab")
+# Wrapper so that we can 'do.call' pekalska as we do with other techniques
+pekalska.wrapper <- function(X, sample.indices, Ys) {
+ pekalska(dist(X), sample.indices, Ys)
-test <- function(file, suffix, output.dir) {
- message("Testing dataset: ", file)
- dataset <- read.table(file)
+# Scales columns of projections so that all values are in [0, 1]
+scale.Ys <- function(Ys) {
+ for (j in 1:ncol(Ys)) {
+ min.j <- min(Ys[, j])
+ max.j <- max(Ys[, j])
+ Ys[, j] <- (Ys[, j] - min.j) / (max.j - min.j)
+ }
- # Extract labels
- labels <- dataset[, ncol(dataset)]
- classes <- as.factor(labels)
- X <- dataset[, -ncol(dataset)]
+ Ys
+dir.create.safe <- function(path, log=T) {
+ if (!dir.exists(path)) {
+ if (log) {
+ loginfo("Creating directory: %s", path)
+ }
+ dir.create(path)
+ }
+run.manipulation <- function(X, Dx, labels, k, ds, n.iter, output.dir) {
n <- nrow(X)
- # Calculate distances (X) and normalize
- message("\tCalculating dist(X)")
- Dx <- dist(X)
- Dx <- Dx / mean(Dx)
- Dx <- as.matrix(Dx)
- # Sample dataset
- sample.indices <- sample(n, 3*sqrt(n))
- classes.s <- as.factor(labels[sample.indices])
- # Automatic sample positioning
- message("\tCalculating Ys")
- Dx.s <- Dx[sample.indices, sample.indices]
- Ys <- forceScheme(Dx.s)
- # LAMP
- message("\tCalculating Y")
- Y <- lamp(X, sample.indices, Ys)
- # Calculate distances (Y) and normalize
- message("\tCalculating dist(Y)")
- Dy <- dist(Y)
- Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
- Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
- message("\tCalculating P and Q")
- prob <- d2p(Dx^2)
- P <- prob$P
- Q <- d2p.beta(Dy^2, prob$beta)
- # Calculate measures
- message("\tCalculating measures")
- np <- NP(Dx, Dy)
- silh <- silhouette(Dy, classes)
- precision <- klDivergence(Q, P)
- recall <- klDivergence(P, Q)
- measures <- rbind(data.frame(mean=mean(np), median=median(np), sd=sd(np)),
- data.frame(mean=mean(silh), median=median(silh), sd=sd(silh)),
- data.frame(mean=mean(precision), median=median(precision), sd=sd(precision)),
- data.frame(mean=mean(recall), median=median(recall), sd=sd(recall)))
- write.table(measures, paste(output.dir, suffix, "-measures.csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
- if (!(all(is.finite(np)) &&
- all(is.finite(silh)) &&
- all(is.finite(precision)) &&
- all(is.finite(recall)))) {
- stop("Non-finite measures found")
+ loginfo("Calculating all sample.indices and Ys")
+ for (iter in 1:n.iter) {
+ loginfo("Iteration: %02d", iter)
+ # Sample dataset
+ sample.indices <- sample(n, max(ncol(X), sqrt(n)*3))
+ fname <- paste("sample-indices-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(sample.indices, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ # Initial sample positioning
+ loginfo("Calculating Ys")
+ Dx.s <- Dx[sample.indices, sample.indices]
+ Ys <- scale.Ys(cmdscale(Dx.s))
+ fname <- paste("Ys-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Ys, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ # Perform manipulation
+ loginfo("Running manipulation procedures")
+ loginfo("Ys.m: Silhouette")
+ Dx.m <- automated.silh(X[sample.indices, ], labels[sample.indices])
+ Ys.silhouette <- scale.Ys(cmdscale(Dx.m))
+ Ys.m <- Ys.silhouette
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-silhouette-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Ys.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ loginfo("Ys.m: NP")
+ Ys.np <- scale.Ys(Rtsne(X[sample.indices, ], perplexity=k)$Y)
+ Ys.m <- Ys.np
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-np-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Ys.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ loginfo("Ys.m: Stress")
+ Ys.stress <- scale.Ys(sammon(Dx.s, Ys, tol=1e-20)$points)
+ Ys.m <- Ys.stress
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-stress-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Ys.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ loginfo("Ys.m: Precision")
+ Ys.precision <- scale.Ys(nerv(Dx.s, Ys, 0.01))
+ Ys.m <- Ys.precision
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-precision-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Ys.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ loginfo("Ys.m: Recall")
+ Ys.recall <- scale.Ys(nerv(Dx.s, Ys, 0.99))
+ Ys.m <- Ys.recall
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-recall-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Ys.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
- # Plot results
- message("\tPlotting results")
- shape_scale <- scale_shape_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes))
- Ys <- cbind(as.data.frame(Ys), classes.s)
- Y <- cbind(as.data.frame(Y), classes, np, silh, precision, recall)
- p.s <- ggplot(Ys) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes.s, colour = classes.s)) +
- shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes))
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "subsample-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.s, width=5, height=5)
- p <- ggplot(Y) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = classes)) +
- shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes))
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p, width=5, height=5)
- p.np <- ggplot(Y) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = np)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("NP")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "np-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.np, width=5, height=5)
- p.silh <- ggplot(Y) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = silh)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("Silhueta")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "silh-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.silh, width=5, height=5)
- p.precision <- ggplot(Y) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = precision)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("Precisão")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "precision-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.precision, width=5, height=5)
- p.recall <- ggplot(Y) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = recall)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.blue_orange("Revocação")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "recall-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.recall, width=5, height=5)
- pdf(paste(output.dir, "all-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 12, height = 16)
- grid.arrange(p.s, p, p.np, p.silh, p.precision, p.recall, ncol = 2)
- dev.off()
- # Perform manipulation
- message("\tCalculating Ys.m")
- Dx.m <- automated.m(X[sample.indices, ], labels[sample.indices])
- Ys.m <- forceScheme(Dx.m, Ys[, 1:2])
- # LAMP
- message("\tCalculating Y.m")
- Y.m <- lamp(X, sample.indices, Ys.m)
- # Calculate distances (Y.m) and normalize
- message("\tCalculating dist(Y.m)")
- Dy <- dist(Y.m)
- Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
- Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
- message("\tCalculating Q")
- Q <- d2p.beta(Dy^2, prob$beta)
- # Calculate measures
- message("\tCalculating measures")
- np <- NP(Dx, Dy) - np
- silh <- silhouette(Dy, classes) - silh
- precision <- klDivergence(Q, P) - precision
- recall <- klDivergence(P, Q) - recall
- measures <- rbind(data.frame(mean=mean(np), median=median(np), sd=sd(np)),
- data.frame(mean=mean(silh), median=median(silh), sd=sd(silh)),
- data.frame(mean=mean(precision), median=median(precision), sd=sd(precision)),
- data.frame(mean=mean(recall), median=median(recall), sd=sd(recall)))
- write.table(measures, paste(output.dir, suffix, "-manip-measures.csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
- if (!(all(is.finite(np)) &&
- all(is.finite(silh)) &&
- all(is.finite(precision)) &&
- all(is.finite(recall)))) {
- stop("Non-finite measures found")
+run.technique <- function(X, Dx, labels, k, ds, n.iter, output.dir) {
+ loginfo("Technique: %s", tech$name)
+ dir.create.safe(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name))
+ silhouette.Y <- c()
+ np.Y <- c()
+ stress.Y <- c()
+ precision.Y <- c()
+ recall.Y <- c()
+ silhouette.Ym <- c()
+ np.Ym <- c()
+ stress.Ym <- c()
+ precision.Ym <- c()
+ recall.Ym <- c()
+ for (iter in 1:n.iter) {
+ loginfo("Iteration: %02d", iter)
+ # Load sample indices...
+ fname <- paste("sample-indices-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ sample.indices <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname))$V1
+ # ... and initial projection
+ fname <- paste("Ys-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ Ys <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname))
+ loginfo("Calculating Y")
+ Y <- do.call(tech$fn, append(list(X=X, sample.indices=sample.indices, Ys=Ys), tech$args))
+ fname <- paste("Y-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Y, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ # Calculate distances (Y) and normalize
+ loginfo("Calculating distances")
+ Dy <- dist(Y)
+ Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
+ Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+ # Calculate measures
+ loginfo("Calculating measures")
+ np.Y <- c(np.Y, mean(NP(Dx, Dy, k)))
+ silhouette.Y <- c(silhouette.Y, mean(silhouette(Dy, classes)))
+ stress.Y <- c(stress.Y, stress(Dx, Dy))
+ precision.Y <- c(precision.Y, smoothed.pr(Dx, Dy, k)$s.precision)
+ recall.Y <- c(recall.Y, smoothed.pr(Dx, Dy, k)$s.recall)
+ # Testing manipulations
+ loginfo("Projection using Ysm.silhouette")
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-silhouette-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ Ys.m <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname))
+ Y.m <- do.call(tech$fn, append(list(X=X, sample.indices=sample.indices, Ys=Ys.m), tech$args))
+ fname <- paste("Ym-silhouette-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Y.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ Dy <- dist(Y.m)
+ Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
+ Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+ silhouette.Ym <- c(silhouette.Ym, mean(silhouette(Dy, classes)))
+ loginfo("Projection using Ysm.np")
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-np-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ Ys.m <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname))
+ Y.m <- do.call(tech$fn, append(list(X=X, sample.indices=sample.indices, Ys=Ys.m), tech$args))
+ fname <- paste("Ym-np-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Y.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ Dy <- dist(Y.m)
+ Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
+ Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+ np.Ym <- c(np.Ym, mean(NP(Dx, Dy, k)))
+ loginfo("Projection using Ysm.stress")
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-stress-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ Ys.m <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname))
+ Y.m <- do.call(tech$fn, append(list(X=X, sample.indices=sample.indices, Ys=Ys.m), tech$args))
+ fname <- paste("Ym-stress-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Y.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ Dy <- dist(Y.m)
+ Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
+ Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+ stress.Ym <- c(stress.Ym, stress(Dx, Dy))
+ loginfo("Projection using Ysm.precision")
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-precision-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ Ys.m <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname))
+ Y.m <- do.call(tech$fn, append(list(X=X, sample.indices=sample.indices, Ys=Ys.m), tech$args))
+ fname <- paste("Ym-precision-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Y.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ Dy <- dist(Y.m)
+ Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
+ Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+ precision.Ym <- c(precision.Ym, smoothed.pr(Dx, Dy, k)$s.precision)
+ loginfo("Projection using Ysm.recall")
+ fname <- paste("Ysm-recall-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ Ys.m <- read.table(file.path(output.dir, ds$name, fname))
+ Y.m <- do.call(tech$fn, append(list(X=X, sample.indices=sample.indices, Ys=Ys.m), tech$args))
+ fname <- paste("Ym-recall-", iter, ".tbl", sep="")
+ write.table(Y.m, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, fname), row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ Dy <- dist(Y.m)
+ Dy <- Dy / mean(Dy)
+ Dy <- as.matrix(Dy)
+ recall.Ym <- c(recall.Ym, smoothed.pr(Dx, Dy, k)$s.recall)
- # Plot results
- message("\tPlotting results")
- Ys.m <- cbind(as.data.frame(Ys.m), classes.s)
- Y.m <- cbind(as.data.frame(Y.m), classes, np, silh, precision, recall)
- pm.s <- ggplot(Ys.m) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes.s, colour = classes.s)) +
- shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes))
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-subsample-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), pm.s, width=5, height=5)
- pm <- ggplot(Y.m) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = classes)) +
- shape_scale + scale_color_manual(name = "Classe", values = 1:nlevels(classes))
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), pm, width=5, height=5)
- p.np <- ggplot(Y.m) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = np)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("NP")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-np-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.np, width=5, height=5)
- p.silh <- ggplot(Y.m) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = silh)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("Silhueta")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-silh-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.silh, width=5, height=5)
- p.precision <- ggplot(Y.m) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = precision)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("Precisão")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-precision-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.precision, width=5, height=5)
- p.recall <- ggplot(Y.m) +
- theme_bw() +
- labs(x = "", y = "") +
- geom_point(aes(x = V1, y = V2, shape = classes, colour = recall)) +
- shape_scale + color_scale.gradient2("Revocação")
- ggsave(paste(output.dir, "manip-recall-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), p.recall, width=5, height=5)
- pdf(paste(output.dir, "original-manip-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 10, height = 8)
- grid.arrange(p.s, p, pm.s, pm, ncol = 2)
- dev.off()
- pdf(paste(output.dir, "manip-measures-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 10, height = 8)
- grid.arrange(p.np, p.silh, p.precision, p.recall, ncol = 2)
- dev.off()
- pdf(paste(output.dir, "manip-all-", suffix, ".pdf", sep=""), width = 12, height = 16)
- grid.arrange(pm.s, pm, p.np, p.silh, p.precision, p.recall, ncol = 2)
- dev.off()
+ write.table(silhouette.Y, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "silhouette-Y.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(np.Y, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "np-Y.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(stress.Y, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "stress-Y.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(precision.Y, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "precision-Y.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(recall.Y, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "recall-Y.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(silhouette.Ym, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "silhouette-Ym.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(np.Ym, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "np-Ym.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(stress.Ym, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "stress-Ym.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(precision.Ym, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "precision-Ym.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
+ write.table(recall.Ym, file.path(output.dir, ds$name, tech$name, "recall-Ym.tbl"), col.names=F, row.names=F)
-#test(file = "datasets/iris.tbl", suffix = "iris", "tests/")
-test(file = "datasets/wdbc.tbl", suffix = "wdbc", "tests/")
-test(file = "datasets/segmentation.tbl", suffix = "segmentation", "tests/")
-test(file = "datasets/glass.tbl", suffix = "glass", "tests/")
+run <- function(datasets,
+ techniques,
+ output.dir,
+ kf=function(n) as.integer(min(sqrt(n), 0.05*n)),
+ n.iter=30,
+ intial.manipulation=T) {
+ dir.create.safe(output.dir)
+ for (ds in datasets) {
+ loginfo("Testing dataset: %s", ds$name)
+ dir.create.safe(file.path(output.dir, ds$name))
+ # Load and clean data by removing duplicates, center and scale
+ X <- read.table(ds$data.file)
+ if (!is.null(ds$labels.file)) {
+ labels <- read.table(ds$labels.file)$V1
+ labels <- labels[!duplicated(X)]
+ classes <- as.factor(labels)
+ }
+ X <- unique(X)
+ if (ds$scale) {
+ X <- scale(X)
+ }
+ n <- nrow(X)
+ k <- kf(n)
+ # Calculate distances (X) and normalize
+ loginfo("Calculating dist(X)")
+ Dx <- dist(X)
+ Dx <- Dx / mean(Dx)
+ Dx <- as.matrix(Dx)
+ # Generate samples, initial projections and all manipulations
+ if (intial.manipulation) {
+ run.manipulation(X, Dx, labels, k, ds, n.iter, output.dir)
+ }
+ # Test techniques
+ for (tech in techniques) {
+ run.technique(X, Dx, labels, k, ds, tech, n.iter, output.dir)
+ }
+ }
+# Experiment configuration
+# Defines: datasets, techniques, output.dir
+args <- commandArgs(T)
+# Logging setup
+ file=args[1],
+ level="FINEST")
+# The alpha and omega
+run(datasets, techniques, output.dir=output.dir, initial.manipulation=F)