path: root/main.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main.cpp')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 5dbbe8b..e9492f7 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
#include <cmath>
-#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
-#include <QSurfaceFormat>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
#include <QApplication>
+#include <QtQml>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
+#include <QSurfaceFormat>
+#include "main.h"
#include "mp.h"
#include "continuouscolorscale.h"
#include "scatterplot.h"
@@ -15,12 +19,44 @@
#include "distortionobserver.h"
#include "npdistortion.h"
+static QObject *mainProvider(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine)
+ Q_UNUSED(engine)
+ Q_UNUSED(scriptEngine)
+ return Main::instance();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ app.setApplicationName("pm");
+ app.setApplicationVersion("1.0");
qmlRegisterType<Scatterplot>("PM", 1, 0, "Scatterplot");
qmlRegisterType<HistoryGraph>("PM", 1, 0, "HistoryGraph");
+ qmlRegisterSingletonType<Main>("PM", 1, 0, "Main", mainProvider);
+ QCommandLineParser parser;
+ parser.setApplicationDescription("Interactive multidimensional projections.");
+ parser.addHelpOption();
+ parser.addVersionOption();
+ parser.addPositionalArgument("dataset", "Dataset filename (.tbl)");
+ QCommandLineOption indicesFileOutputOption(QStringList() << "i" << "indices",
+ "Filename to store the subsample indices.",
+ "indices_path");
+ parser.addOption(indicesFileOutputOption);
+ QCommandLineOption subsampleFileOutputOption(QStringList() << "s" << "subsample",
+ "Filename to store subsample mapping.",
+ "subsample_path");
+ parser.addOption(subsampleFileOutputOption);
+ parser.process(app);
+ QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments();
+ if (args.size() != 1) {
+ parser.showHelp(1);
+ }
// Set up multisampling
QSurfaceFormat fmt;
@@ -28,19 +64,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
QQmlApplicationEngine engine(QUrl("qrc:///main_view.qml"));
- arma::mat dataset;
- if (argc > 1) {
- dataset.load(argv[1], arma::raw_ascii);
- } else {
- dataset.load(std::cin, arma::raw_ascii);
+ Main *m = Main::instance();
+ if (parser.isSet(indicesFileOutputOption)) {
+ m->setIndicesSavePath(parser.value(indicesFileOutputOption));
+ if (parser.isSet(subsampleFileOutputOption)) {
+ m->setSubsampleSavePath(parser.value(subsampleFileOutputOption));
+ }
+ m->loadDataset(args[0].toStdString());
- arma::mat X = dataset.cols(0, dataset.n_cols - 2);
- arma::vec labels = dataset.col(dataset.n_cols - 1);
+ arma::mat X = m->X();
+ arma::vec labels = m->labels();
- arma::uword n = dataset.n_rows;
+ arma::uword n = X.n_rows;
arma::uword subsampleSize = (arma::uword) n / 10.f;
arma::uvec sampleIndices = arma::randi<arma::uvec>(subsampleSize, arma::distr_param(0, n-1));
+ m->setSubsampleIndices(sampleIndices);
arma::mat Ys(subsampleSize, 2, arma::fill::randn);
mp::forceScheme(mp::dist(X.rows(sampleIndices)), Ys);
@@ -65,7 +105,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
Scatterplot *plot = engine.rootObjects()[0]->findChild<Scatterplot *>("plot");
- // connect both plots through interaction handler
+ // Keep track of the current subsample (in order to save them later, if requested)
+ QObject::connect(subsamplePlot, SIGNAL(xyChanged(const arma::mat &)),
+ m, SLOT(setSubsample(const arma::mat &)));
+ QObject::connect(subsamplePlot, SIGNAL(xyInteractivelyChanged(const arma::mat &)),
+ m, SLOT(setSubsample(const arma::mat &)));
+ // Update LAMP projection as the subsample is modified
InteractionHandler interactionHandler(X, sampleIndices);
QObject::connect(subsamplePlot, SIGNAL(xyChanged(const arma::mat &)),
&interactionHandler, SLOT(setSubsample(const arma::mat &)));
@@ -74,20 +120,21 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
QObject::connect(&interactionHandler, SIGNAL(subsampleChanged(const arma::mat &)),
plot, SLOT(setXY(const arma::mat &)));
- // linking between selections in subsample plot and full dataset plot
+ // Linking between selections in subsample plot and full dataset plot
SelectionHandler selectionHandler(sampleIndices);
QObject::connect(subsamplePlot, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QSet<int> &)),
&selectionHandler, SLOT(setSelection(const QSet<int> &)));
QObject::connect(&selectionHandler, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QSet<int> &)),
plot, SLOT(setSelection(const QSet<int> &)));
+ // Connections between history graph and subsample plot
HistoryGraph *history = engine.rootObjects()[0]->findChild<HistoryGraph *>("history");
- // connections between history graph and subsample plot
QObject::connect(subsamplePlot, SIGNAL(xyInteractivelyChanged(const arma::mat &)),
history, SLOT(addHistoryItem(const arma::mat &)));
QObject::connect(history, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(const arma::mat &)),
subsamplePlot, SLOT(setXY(const arma::mat &)));
+ // Map distortion as the glyph color
DistortionObserver distortionObs(X, sampleIndices);
std::unique_ptr<DistortionMeasure> distortionMeasure(new NPDistortion());
@@ -96,13 +143,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
QObject::connect(&distortionObs, SIGNAL(mapChanged(const arma::vec &)),
plot, SLOT(setColorData(const arma::vec &)));
- EffectiveInteractionEnforcer enforcer(sampleIndices);
- QObject::connect(subsamplePlot, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QSet<int> &)),
- &enforcer, SLOT(setSelection(const QSet<int> &)));
- QObject::connect(plot, SIGNAL(colorDataChanged(const arma::vec &)),
- &enforcer, SLOT(setMeasureDifference(const arma::vec &)));
- QObject::connect(&enforcer, SIGNAL(effectivenessChanged(const arma::vec &)),
- subsamplePlot, SLOT(setColorData(const arma::vec &)));
+ //EffectiveInteractionEnforcer enforcer(sampleIndices);
+ //QObject::connect(subsamplePlot, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QSet<int> &)),
+ // &enforcer, SLOT(setSelection(const QSet<int> &)));
+ //QObject::connect(plot, SIGNAL(colorDataChanged(const arma::vec &)),
+ // &enforcer, SLOT(setMeasureDifference(const arma::vec &)));
+ //QObject::connect(&enforcer, SIGNAL(effectivenessChanged(const arma::vec &)),
+ // subsamplePlot, SLOT(setColorData(const arma::vec &)));
ContinuousColorScale ccolorScale = ContinuousColorScale::builtin(ContinuousColorScale::RED_GRAY_BLUE);